Some programs within the School of Health Sciences require applicants to complete the Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS®) prior to submitting a weighted admission form for program admission.
The TEAS test is administered by Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI), and is designed specifically to assess a student's preparedness entering the health science fields. The ATI TEAS test is comprised of 170 questions set up in a multiple-choice format with four-option answers. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills needed to perform in class in the areas of: Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage.
The total score from the TEAS test will be used in the point calculations on the Weighted Admission form. Applicants may take the TEAS test as many times as desired; however, there is a cost for each attempt. TEAS test scores are valid for five (5) years and may be transferred to GTC from other schools (see TEAS TRANSCRIPT below). Minimum TEAS test requirements are subject to change each academic year.
Applicants preparing to take the ATI TEAS® test must create an account.
Do not register for the TEAS test on the ATI site. Once account has been created, register and pay for the TEAS test at the GTC Bursar's Office and testing center.
The TEAS testing fee is $80.00 per attempt and not covered by financial aid. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the test. The testing fee must be paid at the GTC Bursar's Office prior to testing.
TEAS test must be completed within a 4-hour time limit. The test may be taken on a space-available basis during the Testing Services' operational hours. Please check the Testing Services page for any schedule changes.
Regular hours:
During times of heavy testing (June and July), applicants may be directed to take the test on an alternate day, time, and location.
Applicants who have a disability and need accommodations should visit, call, or e-mail the Student Disability Resource Center prior to scheduling TEAS. Applicants are strongly encouraged to obtain their accommodation forms in a timely manner to ensure appropriate services. The office is located at the Barton Campus in the Student Center (Building 105), Room 113, and can be reached by phone at 864-250-8202 or 864-250-8408 or by email at
Applicants without all of the above will not be admitted to the Testing Center to take the TEAS test.
Scores are automatically sent to the location where TEAS was administered (no cost). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that results of TEAS testing from other locations are sent to GTC directly by logging into ATI using their account information and requesting a transcript. From the Online Store, select TEAS transcript and enter information for transcript to be sent to Greenville Technical College and payment information for $27.00 per results report. (NOTE: Applicants are responsible for checking the version number of TEAS test. Only ATI TEAS® or TEAS V will be accepted. TEAS test scores are valid for five (5) years.)
NOTE: Applicants must use GTC Student ID number or social security number when creating an ATI account or requesting a TEAS transcript from another school. Failure to do so may disqualify application from School of Health Sciences program if test score cannot be located.